Freedom Collection 1st Anniversary

Freedom Collection gem rings, gem drop earrings, gem bar necklace and bangles

It’s been quite a year since the launch of the Freedom Collection!

It all started back in 2008 when I first made and sent rings to women who had been trafficked. I wanted these women to know that they are loved and that they are precious. I also sold these rings to raise funds for charity, and last year (2021) I launched a whole collection.


I was delighted for the Collection and the causes to get so much local and national media attention - I’ve been interviewed on BBC Shetland and Premier Christian Radio, and there’s been features in magazines and on websites including Benchpeg, Gold Book Magazine, the National Association of Jewellers, The Jewellery Cut, Shetland News and the front cover of ii’Shetland. The Freedom Collection even made it to the Daily Record!

The Freedom Collection was nominated for Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year by the National Association of Jewellers, which was a huge honour. Even though we didn’t win, it was an amazing opportunity to highlight the issues of modern day slavery and the work of the charities. And I won a Community Champion Award at a “Love Does” event hosted by New Life Church to celebrate those in the community who have gone out of their way to help others.

Human trafficking first broke my heart 14 years ago, and still does. Over the years I’ve worked on this collection and for this cause, mostly on my own, doing what I could, and without any spotlight, because I wanted to make a difference. So to gain coverage and some sort of validation for those efforts was humbling and a little emotional.

I spent a lot of time thinking about how I could encourage the people who wear these pieces. I want people to be reminded that they have intrinsic value and worth - it’s such an important message and I’ve been deeply touched by the individual stories which people have shared with me…

These rings are so, so special to me. I still wear them daily all these years after getting them and every time I put them on I feel like they ground me and act as a continual reminder of my value and my worth…If I feel overwhelmed, or like I’m not enough, simply holding on to them and the message they carry can help me to refocus and catch a breath.
I simply love not only the personal symbolism but also the fact that in purchasing it I helped others... love my rings xx
The last 5 years we have been battling infertility and going through IVF, we had 3 losses last year before giving birth to our miracle baby in September. My wedding bands throughout this last season didn’t fit and so I have been wearing my freedom rings as a constant reminder of God’s grace & faithfulness. They have been a great comfort to me during this time.

In one year, the Freedom Collection has raised £3,413 for human trafficking charities to use in their fight against modern day slavery. I am really proud of that, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for this collection and the cause.

And I’m excited to celebrate a new charity partner, International Justice Mission (IJM). I’m blown away by the heart behind all they do. Since 1997 they’ve been at the forefront of protecting and rescuing the vulnerable, and they do this in creative, considered and holistic ways. I’m really looking forward to working with them.

None of this could happen without my lovely customers and supporters - people who believe in this cause and support the collection by purchasing, gifting and wearing the Freedom Collection. You carry the message and highlight the cause, and I’m really thankful to you all!

Karlin x

Karlin Anderson